Mongi Zekri - Multi-County Citrus Agent
Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee Counties
Extension (EDIS)
- HS1165
IFAS Guidance for Huanglongbing (Greening) Management.
Spann, T.M., R.A. Atwood, M.M. Dewdney, R.C. Ebel, R. Ehsani, G. England, S.H. Futch, T. Gaver, T. Hurner, C. Oswalt, M.E. Rogers, F.M. Roka, M.A. Ritenour, M. Zekri. et al.
- SL253.04
Soil and Leaf Tissue Testing for Commercial Citrus Production.
Obreza, T.A., M. Zekri, E.A. Hanlon, K. Morgan, A. Schumann, and R. Rouse.
- PP194
Homeowner Fact Sheet: Citrus Canker.
Dewdney, M.M., P.D. Roberts, J.H. Graham, K.R. Chung, and M. Zekri.
- SS487
Dealing with iron and other micro-irrigation plugging problems.
Obreza, T., E. Hanlon, and M. Zekri.
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SS487 [view pdf]
- SL222/SS442
Increasing Efficiency and Reducing Costs of Citrus Nutritional Programs
Mongi Zekri, Thomas Obreza and Arnold Schumann
Topics: Citrus Nutrition and Fertilization; Obreza, Thomas Anthony
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SS442 [view pdf]
- SL207/SS426
Irrigation, Nutrition, and Citrus Fruit Quality
Mongi Zekri, Thomas A. Obreza and Robert Koo
Topics: Citrus Nutrition and Fertilization; Citrus Irrigation; Obreza, Thomas Anthony
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SS426 [view pdf]
- SL204/SS423
Micronutrient Deficiencies in Citrus: Iron, Zinc, and Manganese
Mongi Zekri and Thomas A. Obreza
Topics: Citrus Nutrition and Fertilization; Obreza, Thomas Anthony
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SS423 [view pdf]
- SL203/SS422
Micronutrient Deficiencies in Citrus: Boron, Copper, and Molybdenum
Mongi Zekri and Thomas A. Obreza
Topics: Citrus Nutrition and Fertilization; Obreza, Thomas Anthony
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SS422 [view pdf]
- SL202/SS421
Macronutrient Deficiencies in Citrus: Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur
Mongi Zekri and Thomas A. Obreza
Topics: Citrus Nutrition and Fertilization; Obreza, Thomas Anthony
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SS421 [view pdf]
- SL201/SS420
Macronutrient Deficiencies in Citrus: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium
Mongi Zekri and Thomas A. Obreza
Topics: Citrus Nutrition and Fertilization; Obreza, Thomas Anthony
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SS420 [view pdf]
- SL200/SS419
Plant Nutrients for Citrus Trees
Mongi Zekri and Thomas A. Obreza
Topics: Citrus Nutrition and Fertilization; Obreza, Thomas Anthony
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SS419 [view pdf]
- PP194S/PP125
Alerta: Una Hoja Informativa para el Hogar Sobre el Cancro de los Citricos
H.L. Chamberlain, P.D. Roberts, L.W. Timmer, K. Chung, and M. Zekri
Topics: Citrus Canker; Citrus (en espanol); Chung, Kuang Ren
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/PP125 [view pdf]
- PP194/PP116
CROP ALERT: A Citrus Canker Fact Sheet for Homeowners
H.L. Chamberlain, P.D. Roberts, L.W. Timmer, K. Chung, and M. Zekri
Topics: Citrus Canker; Home Citrus Culture; Chung, Kuang Ren
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/PP116 [view pdf]
- HS994/HS240
Validation of an Area-Wide Extension Program to Estimate the Seasonal Abundance of Adult Citrus Root Weevils with Unbaited Pyramidal Traps
S.H. Futch, L.W. Duncan and M. Zekri
Topics: Citrus Root Weevils, Citrus Extension
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/HS240 [view pdf]
- HS876/HS141
Citrus Problems In The Home Landscape
Mongi Zekri and Robert E. Rouse
Topics: Home Citrus Culture
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/HS141 [view pdf]
- HS867/HS132
Citrus Culture In The Home Landscape
Robert E. Rouse, Mongi Zekri
Topics: Home Citrus Culture; CITRUS; Robert E. Rouse
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/HS132 [view pdf]
- PP194-S/PP125
Alerta: Una Hoja Informativa para el Hogar Sobre el Cancro de los Citricos
H.L. Chamberlain, P.D. Roberts, L.W. Timmer, K. Chung, and M. Zekri
Topics: Citrus Canker; Citrus (en espanol); Chung, Kuang Ren; Zekri, Mongi; Chamberlain, Holly; Roberts, Pamela; Timmer, Lavern W
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/PP125 [view pdf]
- HS994/HS240
Validation of an Area-Wide Extension Program to Estimate the Seasonal Abundance of Adult Citrus Root Weevils with Unbaited Pyramidal Traps
S.H. Futch, L.W. Duncan and M. Zekri
Topics: Citrus Root Weevils; Citrus Extension; Zekri, Mongi; Futch, Stephen Hubbard; Duncan, Larry Wayne
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/HS240 [view pdf]
- PP214SP/PP138
Identificación de los síntomas del cancro cítrico y Procedimientos de descontaminación
Mongi Zekri, Holly Chamberlain, Pete Timmer, Pamela Roberts and Rosa Muchovej
Topics: Zekri, Mongi; Chamberlain, Holly; Timmer, Lavern W; Roberts, Pamela; Muchovej, Rosa M; Citrus Canker; Citrus (en espanol)
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/PP138 [view pdf]
- PP214/PP136
Field Identification of Citrus Canker Symptoms and Decontamination Procedures
Mongi Zekri, Holly Chamberlain, Pete Timmer, Pamela Roberts and Rosa Muchovej
Topics: Zekri, Mongi; Chamberlain, Holly; Roberts, Pamela; Muchovej, Rosa M; Citrus Canker; Timmer, Lavern W
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/PP136 [view pdf]
Scientific & Trade Journals
- Zekri, M., L.R. Parsons and R.C.J. Koo. 1988. Effects of salinity on citrus rootstocks. The Citrus Industry 69(6):24-25.
- Zekri, M. and L.R. Parsons. 1988. Water relations of grapefruit trees in response to drip, microsprinkler, and overhead sprinkler irrigation. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 113(6):819-823.
- Koo, R.C.J. and M. Zekri. 1989. Citrus irrigation with reclaimed municipal wastewater. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 102:52-56.
- Zekri, M. and L.R. Parsons. 1989. Grapefruit leaf and fruit growth in response to drip, microsprinkler, and overhead sprinkler irrigation. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 114(1):25-29.
- Zekri, M. and L.R. Parsons. 1989. Growth and root hydraulic conductivity of several citrus rootstocks under salt and polyethylene glycol stresses. Physiol. Plant. 77:99-106.
- Zekri, M. and L.R. Parsons. 1990. Response of split-root sour orange seedlings to NaCl and polyethylene glycol stresses. J. Exp. Bot. 41(222):35-40.
- Zekri, M. and L.R. Parsons. 1990. Calcium influences growth and leaf mineral concentration of citrus under saline conditions. HortScience 25(7):784-786.
- Zekri, M. and L.R. Parsons. 1990. Comparative effects of NaCl and polyethylene glycol on root distribution, growth, and stomatal conductance of sour orange seedlings. Plant and Soil 129:137-143.
- Koo, R.C.J. and M. Zekri. 1990. Irrigation with reclaimed municipal wastewater. In Citrus Water Management Short Course Proc. (L.R. Parsons and J.J. Ferguson, eds.), pp. 85-89. Lake Alfred, Florida.
- Zekri, M. and R.C.J. Koo. 1990. Effects of reclaimed wastewater on leaf and soil mineral composition and fruit quality of citrus. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 103:38-41.
- Zekri, M. 1991. Effects of NaCl on growth and physiology of sour orange and Cleopatra mandarin seedlings. Scientia Horticulturae 47:305-315.
- Zekri, M. 1991. Effects of PEG-induced water stress on two citrus cultivars. J. Plant Nutrition 14(1):59-74.
- Zekri, M. and R.C.J. Koo. 1991. Evaluation of Conserv II water for citrus irrigation. The Citrus Industry 72(7):24-25,29.
- Zekri, M. and R.C.J. Koo. 1991. Evaluation of controlled-release fertilizers for young citrus trees. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 116(6):987-990.
- Zekri, M. and R.C.J. Koo. 1991. Comparative effects of controlled-release and soluble fertilizers on young 'Valencia' orange trees. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 104:199-202.
- Zekri, M. and R.C.J. Koo. 1992. Use of controlled-release fertilizers for young citrus trees. Scientia Horticulturae 49:233-241.
- Zekri, M. and R.C.J. Koo. 1992. Application of micronutrients to citrus trees through microirrigation systems. J. Plant Nutrition 15(11):2517-2529.
- Zekri, M. and R.C.J. Koo. 1992. Controlled-release fertilizers for young citrus trees. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 55(9):20-25.
- Zekri, M. and L.R. Parsons. 1992. Salinity tolerance of citrus rootstocks: Effects of salt on root and leaf mineral concentrations. Plant and Soil 147:171-181.
- Zekri, M. 1993. Salinity and calcium effects on emergence, growth and mineral composition of seedlings of eight citrus rootstocks. J. Hort. Sci. 68(1):53-62.
- Zekri, M. 1993. Seedling emergence, growth, and mineral concentration of three citrus rootstocks under salinity stress. J. Plant Nutrition 16(8):1555-1568.
- Zekri, M. 1993. Osmotic and toxic ion effects on seedling emergence and nutrition of citrus rootstocks. J. Plant Nutrition 16(10):2013-2028.
- Zekri, M. 1993. Comparisons of Bray P1 and Mehlich 1 for soil phosphorus and ammonium acetate and Mehlich 1 for soil potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium determinations. The Citrus Industry 74(12):24-26.
- Zekri, M. 1993. Effect of salinity and calcium on seedling emergence, growth, and sodium and chloride concentrations of citrus rootstocks. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 106:18-21.
- Zekri, M. and R.C.J. Koo. 1993. A reclaimed water citrus irrigation project. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 106:30-35.
- Zekri, M. and R.C.J. Koo. 1994. Treated municipal wastewater for citrus irrigation. J. Plant Nutrition 17(5):693-708.
- Zekri, M. and R.C.J. Koo. 1994. Water Conserv II, reclaimed municipal wastewater for citrus irrigation. The Citrus Industry 75(7):34-35.
- Zekri, M. 1994. Assessment of fertilizer needs. The Citrus Industry 75(9):30.
- Fares, A. and M. Zekri. 1994. Wastewater and its potential use for agricultural irrigation: A review. Tunisian Scientific Magazine 8(1,2):4-7.
- Zekri, M. 1995. PEG stress altered citrus root and leaf mineral concentrations. J. Plant Nutrition 18(6):1087-1102.
- Zekri, M. 1995. Nutritional deficiencies in citrus trees. I. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The Citrus Industry 76(8):58-61.
- Zekri, M. 1995. Nutritional deficiencies in citrus trees. II. Calcium, magnesium and sulfur. The Citrus Industry 76(9):19-20.
- Zekri, M. 1995. Nutritional deficiencies in citrus trees. III. Iron, zinc and manganese. The Citrus Industry 76(10):16-17.
- Zekri, M. 1995. Nutritional deficiencies in citrus trees. IV. Boron, copper, molybdenum and chlorine. The Citrus Industry 76(11):34-36.
- Zekri, M. 1996. Several disorders in citrus trees. The Citrus Industry 77(2):18-20,53.
- Zekri, M. 1996. Leaf mineral concentration, growth, yield, fruit quality, and economics of 'Ambersweet' orange on two rootstocks. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 109: 92-96.
- Zekri, M. 1997. Performance of Ambersweet, a new citrus hybrid cultivar, on two popular rootstocks in Florida. Fruits 52(3):141-148.
- Zekri, M. 1998. Ambersweet orange: studies on 2 rootstocks. The Citrus Industry 79(1):30-33.
- Zekri, M. and L.R. Parsons. 1999. Determination of field capacity in a Florida sandy soil and drainage time at different depths. HortTechnology 9(2):258-261.
- Zekri, M. 1999. Citrus fertilizer management. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine. 63(9):28,30.
- Zekri, M., R. Núñez-Elisea, B. Schaffer, S.K. O’Hair, and J.H. Crane. 1999. Multi-sensor capacitance probes for monitoring soil water dynamics in tropical fruit orchards in south Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 112:178-181.
- Zekri, M. 1999. Performance of ‘Valencia’ orange trees on four rootstocks in a high-density planting. Proc. Interamerican Soc. Tropical Hort. 43:108-115.
- Zekri, M. 2000. Citrus rootstocks affect scion nutrition, fruit quality, growth, yield and economical return. Fruits 55(4):231-239.
- Zekri, M. 2000. Evaluation of orange trees budded on several rootstocks and planted at high density on flatwoods soil. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 113:119-23.
- Zekri, M. and A. Al-Jaleel. 2000. The citrus industry in Saudi Arabia. The Citrus Industry 81(11):24-26.
- Zekri, M. 2000. Brown rot of fruit. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 65(3):18-19.
- Zekri, M., R.C.J. Koo and L.R. Parsons. 2000. Use of municipal reclaimed water for citrus irrigation. Proc. Interamerican Soc. Tropical Hort. 44:78-84.
- Nunez-Elisea, R., B. Schaffer, M. Zekri, S.K. O’Hair and J.H. Crane. 2000. In-situ soil water characteristic curves for tropical fruit orchards in trenched calcareous soil. HortTechnology 11:65-69.
- Zekri, M., L.R. Parsons and R.C.J. Koo. 2000. Irrigation of Florida citrus orchards with reclaimed municipal wastewater. Proc. International Soc. of Citriculture. IX Congr. 1:554-558.
- Zekri, M. 2001. Phytophthora foot rot and root rot. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 66(1):26,28.
- Zekri, M. 2001. Salinity effect on seedling emergence, nitrogen and chloride concentrations, and growth of citrus rootstocks. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 114:79-82.
- Zekri, M. 2002. Salinity and citrus. The Citrus Industry 83(2):17-19.
- Zekri, M. and L. Jackson. 2002. Citrus reset management. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 66(6):6-8.
- Zekri, M. 2002. Fertilizer management & nutrition of citrus trees. The Citrus Industry 83(3):12, 14, 17, 29-30.
- Zekri, M. 2002. Flowering and fruit quality of citrus trees. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 66(7):42-44.
- Zekri, M. 2002. Soil acidity and liming. Florida Grower 95(4):16,18.
- Zekri, M. 2002. Micronutrients in citrus nutrition. The Citrus Industry 83(4):21-23, 32.
- Zekri, M. 2002. Importance of tissue and soil sampling and analysis in adjusting fertilizer programs. The Citrus Industry 83(6):7-9, 23.
- Zekri, M. 2002. Citrus pruning pointers. Florida Grower 95(6):22-24.
- Zekri, M. 2002. The citrus psyllid. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 66(11):38.
- Al-Jaleel, A. and M. Zekri. 2002. Yield and fruit quality of ‘Olinda Valencia’ trees grown on nine rootstocks in Saudi Arabia. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 115:17-22.
- Zekri, M., L. Parsons and F. Davies. 2002. Drainage and flooding injury. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 67(1):16-17.
- Zekri, M. 2002. Effect of salinity on emergence, growth, and chloride concentration of citrus rootstock seedlings. Proc. Interamerican Soc. Tropical Hort. 46:17-20.
- Zekri, M. and R.C.J. Koo. 2002. Irrigation, nutrition and fruit quality. The Citrus Industry 83(10):18-19.
- Zekri, M. 2003. The basics of cold hardiness and cold protection. The Citrus Industry 84(1):18-20.
- Zekri, M. 2003. Get rid of rot. Florida Grower 96(3): 44-45.
- Zekri, M. 2003. Managing micronutrient deficiencies. Florida Grower 96(4):31-32.
- Zekri, M. 2003. Guidelines for Fertilizer Programs. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 67(8):56-60.
- Zekri, M. 2003. Grove renovation. Part 4. Young tree planting and care. Start resets right. Florida Grower 96(7):28-30.
- Zekri, M., L. Parsons and F. Davies. 2003. Flooding injury and importance of drainage. The Citrus Industry 84(8):28-29.
- Zekri, M. and T. A. Obreza. 2003. Fine-tuning your fertilizer program: Tissue and soil sampling. I. Plant sampling and analysis. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 67(12):14-16.
- Zekri, M. and T. A. Obreza. 2003. Fine-tuning your fertilizer program: Tissue and soil sampling. II. Soil sampling and analysis. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 68(1):24-26.
- Zekri, M. 2003. Grove renovation. Part 4. Controlling Asian citrus psyllids. Florida Grower 96(9):26.
- Zekri, M. and T. A. Obreza. 2003. Essential micronutrients for citrus: Functions, deficiency, symptoms, and correction. In: Futch, S.H. (ed.), Nutrient Management for Optimum Citrus Tree Growth and Yield Short Course, University of Florida, Lake Alfred, Florida. pp. 17-24.
- Obreza, T. A. and M. Zekri. 2003. The role of soil and leaf sampling for the development of nutrient application. In: Futch, S.H. (ed.), Nutrient Management for Optimum Citrus Tree Growth and Yield Short Course, University of Florida, Lake Alfred, Florida. pp. 58-65.
- Al-Jaleel, A. and M. Zekri. 2003. Effects of rootstocks on yield and fruit quality of ‘parent Washington navel’ trees. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 116:270-275.
- Zekri, M. 2003. Citrus Rootstock Evaluation for Sweet Oranges. Proc. Interamerican Soc. Tropical Hort. 47:242-247.
- Zekri, M. 2004. Pruning citrus trees. The Citrus Industry 85(1):16-18.
- Zekri, M. 2004. Factors affecting bloom, fruit production and quality. The Citrus Industry 85(2):8-10.
- Zekri, M. 2004. Citrus nutrition in relation to soil acidity and calcareous soils. Citrus Industry 85(4):21-24.
- Zekri, M. and A. Al-Jaleel. 2004. Evaluation of rootstocks for Valencia and Navel orange trees in Saudi Arabia. Fruits 59(2):91-100.
- Futch, S. H., L. W. Duncan, and M. Zekri. 2004. Validation of an area-wide extension program to estimate the seasonal abundance of adult citrus root weevils with un-baited pyramidal trap. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 116:143-147.
- Chamberlain, H.L., P.D. Roberts, L.W. Timmer and M. Zekri. 2004. Status of the citrus canker eradication program in Florida and university of Florida citrus canker extension program. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 116:152-153.
- Zekri, M. and T. A. Obreza. 2004. Plant nutrients for citrus trees. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 68(10):17-20.
- Zekri, M. and T. A. Obreza. 2004. Growing a healthy tree. Proper foliar nutrition is vital in producing quality crops. Florida Grower 97(8):12,14.
- Zekri, M. 2004. Analyze this. Citrus leaf analysis can help you diagnose problems with the tree and fruit. Florida Grower 97(8):16.
- Zekri, M. and T. A. Obreza. 2004. Macronutrient deficiencies in citrus: calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Citrus & Vegetable Magazine 68(12):8-9.
- Zekri, M. 2004. Man versus machine: The viability of mechanical harvesting can only be determined by the individual grower. Florida Grower 97(9):12.
- Zekri, M. 2004. Management strategies to reduce salinity problems in fruit crops. Proc. Interamerican Soc. Tropical Hort. 48:21-25.
- Fares, A., M. Zekri and L.R. Parsons. 2004. TheHelper, A user-friendly irrigation scheduling tool in Florida and Hawaii. Irrigation Association Proceedings, 413-423.
- Zekri, M. 2004. Strategies to manage salinity problems in citrus. Proc. International Soc. of Citriculture. X Congr. (in press).
- Al-Jaleel, A. and M. Zekri. 2004. Performance of two sweet orange cultivars on nine rootstocks in Saudi Arabia. Proc. International Soc. of Citriculture. X Congr. (in press).
- Futch, S.H. and M. Zekri. 2004. Web-based reporting of abundance of adult Diaprepes root weevils from six sites in Florida using Tedders traps, 2001-2003. Proc. International Soc. of Citriculture. X Congr. (in press).
- Chamberlain, H.L., P.D. Roberts, L.W. Timmer and M. Zekri. 2004. University of Florida citrus canker extension program. Proc. International Soc. of Citriculture. X Congr. (in press).
- Zekri, M. 2005. Don’t let your trees drown. Florida Grower 98(1):26.
- Zekri, M. 2005. Reset recommendations. Florida Grower 98(5):22.
- Al-Jaleel, A. M. Zekri and Y. Hammam. 2005. Yield, fruit quality, and tree health of 'Allen Eureka' lemon on seven rootstocks in Saudi Arabia. Scientia Hortic. 105(4): 457-465.
- Boman, J.B., M. Zekri and E. Stover. 2005. Managing salinity in citrus. HortTechnology 15(1):108-113.
- Morgan, K.T., R.E. Rouse, F.M. Roka, S.H. Futch, and M. Zekri. 2005. Leaf and fruit mineral content and peel thickness of 'Hamlin' orange. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 118:19-21.
- Rouse, R.E. and M. Zekri. 2005. Current status of the citrus industry and budwood program in Florida. International Society of Citrus Nurserymen Proceedings (in press).
- Rouse, R.E. and M. Zekri. 2005. Florida citrus nursery industry, budwood program, and current disease situation. Proc. Interamerican Soc. Tropical Hort. 49 (in press).
- Zekri, M. 2006. Drowning in weeds. Florida Grower 99(2):20.
- Futch, S.H., M. Zekri, and W.C. Oswalt. 2006. Spring production tips. Citrus Industry 87(2):12-13, 20.
- Futch, S.H., M. Zekri, and W.C. Oswalt. 2006. Summer production practices. Citrus Industry 87(6):24-25.
- Zekri, M., S.H. Futch, and W.C. Oswalt. 2006. Important fall practices and concerns in groves. Citrus Industry 87(8):41-46.
- Zekri, M., W.C. Oswalt, and S.H. Futch. 2006. Winter citrus production practices – Cold protection, hedging, and topping. Citrus Industry 87(11) (in review).
- Boman, B.J., K.T. Morgan, R.E. Rouse, H. Chamberlain, and M. Zekri. 2006. Best Management Practices for Gulf Citrus. Gulf Citrus BMP Manual. 119 pages. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Tallahassee, FL. http://citrusbmp.ifas.ufl.edu/gulfcoast/bmpManual/index.html
- Rouse, R. E. and M. Zekri. 2006. Preharvest factors that influence fresh fruit quality. Chapter 3. In “Fresh Citrus Fruits”, Second Edition (W. F. Wardowski, W. M. Miller, D. J. Hall and W. Grierson, eds.). pp. 49-66.
- Zekri, M., H. Chamberlain, L.W. Timmer, R. Brlansky, and M. Rogers. 2006. Citrus greening, Field ID Pocket Guide, University of Florida, IFAS Extension, Gainesville, 11 cards.
- Zekri, M. 2007. Top it off. Florida Grower 100(2):22.
- Zekri, M. 2007. Feeding frenzy. Florida Grower 100(5):30, 32.
- Obreza, T., K. Morgan, and M. Zekri. 2008. What’s new in UF-IFAS citrus nutrition recommendations? Citrus Industry 89(1):14-15.
- Zekri, M. and J. Syvertsen. 2008. A healthy harvest. Florida Grower 101(2):24-25.
- Zekri, M., S. Futch, C. Oswalt, and R. Atwood. 2008. New flush and bloom considerations. Citrus Industry 89(2):16-18.
- Futch, S.H., M. Zekri, and C. Oswalt. 2008. Facing the facts of citrus greening/HLB. Citrus Industry 89(5):9,12.
- Futch, S.H., M. Zekri, W.C. Oswalt, R. Atwood and T. Hurner. 2008. Summer production practices. Citrus Industry 89(5):22-24.
- Obreza, T., M. Zekri, E. Hanlon and A. Schumann. 2008. Leaf and soil sampling, testing, and interpretation. Citrus Industry 89 (7):17-20.
- Parsons, L., B. Boman, M. Zekri, and James Graham. 2008. Flooding in citrus groves. Citrus Industry 89 (8):22--24.
- Atwood, R., G. England, S. Futch, T. Hurner, C. Oswalt, and M. Zekri. 2008. Production considerations for fall. Citrus Industry 89 (8):26--29.
- Oswalt, C., S. Futch, M. Zekri, R. Atwood, and T. Hurner. 2008. Citrus grove preparations for winter. Citrus Industry 89 (11):12-15.
- Obreza, T. A., B.J. Boman, M. Zekri, S. H. Futch, L.R. Parsons, and J.J. Ferguson. 2008. Special situations. Chapter 11 In "Nutrition of Florida Citrus Trees" (T.A. Obreza and K.T. Morgan, eds.), First Edition, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. pp. 67-73.
- Obreza, T. A., B.J. Boman, M. Zekri, and S. H. Futch. 2008. Methods of Fertilizer applications. Chapter 7 In "Nutrition of Florida Citrus Trees" (T.A. Obreza and K.T. Morgan, eds.), First Edition, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. pp. 43-47.
- Obreza, T. A., M. Zekri, and E.A. Hanlon. 2008. Soil and leaf tissue testing. Chapter 4 In "Nutrition of Florida Citrus Trees" (T.A. Obreza and K.T. Morgan, eds.), First Edition, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. pp. 24-32.
- Obreza, T. A., M. Zekri, and S. H. Futch. 2008. General soil fertility and citrus tree nutrition. Chapter 3 In "Nutrition of Florida Citrus Trees" (T.A. Obreza and K.T. Morgan, eds.), First Edition, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. pp. 16-23.
- Laajimi, Naima O., F. Abbas, S. Rezgui, M Zekri, and R. Hellali. 2009. Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cv. 'Amor El Euch' Trees Grown in the Mediterranean Region of Tunisia Fruit. Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 3(1):16-21.
- Stansly, P., A. Arevalo, M. Zekri, and R. Hamel. 2009. Cooperative dormant spray program against Asian citrus psyllid in SW Florida. Citrus Industry 90 (10):14-15.
- Zekri, M. 2010. Assessing freeze damage. Citrus Industry 91(2):8-8.
- Zekri, M. 2010. Assessing freeze damage. Triangle 60(7):2-2.
- Zekri, M. 2010. Be patient, don't get overaggressive in caring for freeze-damaged trees. Citrus and Vegetable 74(2):16-17.
- Spann, T.M., R.A.Atwood, M.M. Dewdney, R.C. Ebel, R. Ehsani, G. England, S. Futch, T. Gaver, T. Hurner, C. Oswalt, M.E. Rogers, F.M. Roka, M.A. Ritenour, and M. Zekri. 2010. IFAS guidance for Huanglongbing (greening) management. Citrus Industry 91(4):6-13.
- Zekri, M. 2010. Feed the leaves. Florida Grower 103(5):16,18.
- Zekri, M. 2010. Watch for black spot. Triangle 60(14):2-2.
- Zekri, M. 2010. A new citrus exotic disease in Florida. Farmer & Rancher 14(06):2-2.
- Dewdney, M.M., N.A. Peres, M. Ritenour, T. Schubert, R. Atwood, G. England, S.H. Futch, T. Gaver, T. Hurner, C. Oswalt, And M. Zekri. 2010. Citrus black spot in Florida. Citrus Industry 91(7):18-21.
- Schumann, A., T. Spann, T. Mann, T. Obreza and M. Zekri. 2010. Effect of mineral nutrition on health and performance of citrus trees. Citrus Industry 91(7):22-24.
- Zekri, M. 2010. Ace the nutrient test. Citrus and Vegetable 74(6): 14-15.
- Stansly, P., A. Arevalo, and M. Zekri. 2010. An update on the cooperative program aimed at controlling the HLB vector. Citrus Industry 91(10): 6-8.
- Zekri, M., T. Obreza, and K. Morgan. 2010. Nutrient management of citrus trees on alkaline soils. Citrus Industry 91(10): 10-13.
- Zekri, M., B. Boman, and J. Syvertsen. 2010. Citrus management under saline conditions. Citrus Industry 91(12): 6-9.
- Gaver, T., R. Atwood, G. England, S. Futch, T. Hurner, C. Oswalt, and Mongi Zekri. 2011. Spring citrus production practices. Citrus Industry 92 (2): 6-9.
- Zekri, M., R. Atwood, G. England, S. Futch, T. Gaver, T. Hurner, and C. Oswalt.
2011. Summer citrus production practices. Citrus Industry 92 (5): 6-11.
- Zekri, M., S. Futch, and R. Atwood. 2011. Importance of fertilizer spreader and sprayer
calibration and maintenance. Citrus Industry 92 (5): 16-19.
- Rouse, B. and M. Zekri. 2011. Preparing for hurricane season. Citrus Industry 92 (6):12-13.
- Obreza, T., E. Hanlon, and M. Zekri. 2011. Irrigation system maintenance: chlorination
and acidification. Citrus Industry 92 (7): 8-12.
- Futch, S., G. England, T. Gaver, T. Hurner, C. Oswalt, and Mongi Zekri. 2011.
Fall production considerations. Citrus Industry 92 (8): 8-12.
- Gaver, T., G. England, S. Futch, T. Hurner, C. Oswalt, and Mongi Zekri. 2011.
Winter citrus production practices. Citrus Industry 92 (11): 10-12.
- Zekri, M. 2011. Factors affecting citrus production and quality. Citrus Industry 92 (12):6-9.
- Zekri, M. and Tom Obreza. 2012. Importance of nutrients for citrus trees – Let’s talk
about nitrogen. Citrus Industry 93 (1): 6-8.
- Zekri, M. 2012. Freeze Damage to Citrus Trees. Citrus Industry 93 (2)
- Zekri, M. and Tom Obreza. 2012. Importance of nutrients for citrus trees – Let’s talk
about phosphorus. Citrus Industry 93 (3)
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