Our goal is to generate and disseminate information so that perishable horticultural commodities are delivered to consumers fresh, safe, nutritious and in the form (e.g. ripe or fresh-cut) consumers desire.
Pesticide Residues & Limits
Look up the latest citrus MRLs for selected export markets and otherresources for all commodities. More...
Packinghouse Day 2024
Packinghouse Day will be held IN-PERSON on Thursday Sept. 12 at the Citrus REC.
Food Safety
Including information and training opportunities related to food safety.
Archived Proceedings
Find presentations and information from past Extension events including shortcourses and field days. More...
Citrus Black Spot
Information on black spot, as well asgovernment resources. More...
Citrus Canker
Information on canker symptoms, treatments, and fruit decontaminationrequirements. More...
Postharvest Handling Training Videos
This set of online training modules is designed to support smallholder and subsistence farmers ... More...
To support Florida's diverse Postharvest horticulture industries through research, extension and teaching.