Citrus Packinghouse Newsletters
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Abscission: 28, 76, 95, 113 | ACSH: 185 |
Aflatoxins: 75, 76 | Air Filters: 79 |
Alar: 165 | Alternaria Brown Spot: 81, 155 |
Ambersweet Orange Hybrid: 157 | American Council on Science and Health: 185 |
2-Aminobutane: 2, 3, 55, 65, 70, 88, 96, 119 | Anthracnose: 95, 97, 196 |
Antipesticide Hysteria: 165 | AREC Lake Alfred: 100 |
Arsenic: 75 | Australia: 100, 110, 159 |
Australian Product Manual: 130 |
Bagging Machines: 16, 21, 22, 32, 61, 63, 161 | Benlate: 42, 52, 60, 65, 70, 72, 78, 88, 92, 95, 96, 119, 126, 153, 155, 156, 161 |
Bin Drenchers: 156 | Biological Control: 174, 200 |
BioSave: 174 | Biphenyl: see Diphenyl |
Blossom-end Clearing: 85, 197 | Blue Albedo: 131 |
Book Review: 92, 130, 142 | Brown Recluse Spider: 37 |
Brown Rot: 95, 123, 153, 165, 174 | Bruising: 181, 197 |
Brushes: 83, 163, 180 | Sec-Butylamine: see 2-Aminobutane |
California: 129 | Canada: 47, 58, 62, 65, 70, 72, 76, 79, 89, 103, 106 |
Cancer Hazard: 121 | Carcinogens: 104, 114 |
Caribfly Fumigation: 21, 49, 64, 116, 121, 122 | Carton Lid Leveler: 72 |
Carton Ventilation: 157 | Chemicals: 142 |
Child TBZ Dose: 51 | Chilling Injury: 11, 18, 42, 61, 85, 107, 158, 176, 194, 202 |
Chimeras: 121, 123 | Chlorine: 135, 139, 156, 174, 192, 193 |
Chlorine Dioxide: 193 | Citri Facts: 168 |
Citrus Canker: 81, 84, 93, 139, 185, 189 | Citrus Packer Shortcourse: 132, 133, 149, 162 |
Citrus Packinghouse Day: 141, 143, 149, 162, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 189, 190 |
Cleaning Brushes: 83, 180 |
Cold Treatment: 136, 158, 171 | Color-add: 12, 20, 53, 58, 78, 98, 114 |
Color Break: 97 | Computers: 140, 198 |
Conditioning: 158 | Consumers: 147 |
Coordination with Industry: 33 | Copper: 155 |
Costs: 151 | Cycloheximide: see Abscission |
24-D: 119, 132 | Dairy Deliveries: 38 |
DDT: 77 | Decay Control: 1, 2, 12, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29, 31, 35, 42, 50, 65, 70, 78, 85, 90, 92, 95, 99, 110, 111, 115, 123, 126, 138, 150, 153, 156, 160, 165, 169, 174, 186, 196, 198 |
Decay Fungi: 38, 46, 60, 78, 138, 165, 174, 196 | Deformation in Transit: 98, 130 |
Degreening: 3, 5, 6, 7, 18, 19, 22, 25, 33, 35, 40, 45, 47, 58, 71, 74, 75, 87, 89, 95, 98, 102, 103, 106, 124, 141, 163, 170, 176, 186, 187, 196 |
Dewatering: 144 |
Directory of FL Citrus Researchers: 197 | Diphenyl: 1, 6, 10, 15, 48, 65, 70, 80, 88, 89, 91, 93, 96, 99, 119, 153 |
Dowicide: see SOPP | Drops: 149 |
Drying: 89, 118, 143, 144, 146, 148, 151 | Dye Test: 97, 163, 169 |
Early Season: 97, 162, 165 | Economics: 64, 68, 71, 80, 107, 109, 110, 121, 147, 161 |
EDB: 79, 107, 116, 124, 129, 138, 161 | Electric Eyes: 101 |
Electrical Enclosures: 183 | Electricity: 104, 140, 183 |
Electronic Format: 191 | Energy: 100, 101, 104, 118, 144, 146, 148, 151 |
EPA: 98 | Ethephon: 74, 84, 95, 113 |
Ethion: 126 | Ethylene: see Degreening |
Ethylene Analyzer: 7, 26, 74, 75, 88, 196 | Ethylene Burn: 25 |
Ethylene Explosion Hazard: 19, 191, 196 | Ethylene Removal: 79 |
Ethylene Safety: 191 | Export: 2, 3, 8, 11, 17, 22, 34, 37, 48, 51, 52, 53, 58, 59, 61, 65, 70, 71, 73, 85, 88, 90, 91, 96, 99, 106, 107, 108, 121, 119, 126, 147, 152, 163, 171 |
Export Harvesting: 163 |