HOS 5330
Postharvest Technologies for Horticultural Crops
- Course Syllabus
- Lectures, Reading & Assignment Schedule
- Postharvest Websites
- Journal and Technical Report Topics
- Example Field Trip Journal
- Example Technical Report
(before AI component)
References (online)
- USDA Handbook 66.
The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks. - Ch. 4 - Postharvest Biology & Technology: an Overview (Kader)
- Handling, Cooling and Sanitation Techniques for Maintaining Postharvest Quality
- Small-Scale Postharvest Handling Practices: A Manual for Horticultural Crops (4th Edition)
- Produce Fact Sheets (UC, Davis)
- Postharvest Handling to Maintain Quality of Fresh Produce Pt. 1 (video presentation by Dr. Marita Cantwell, UC Davis)
- Postharvest Handling to Maintain Quality of Fresh Produce Pt. 2 (video presentation by Dr. Marita Cantwell, UC Davis)
- "Where the Food Comes From" Series
Zoom Recordings
Lectures & Resources
NOTE, the instructors and UF do not necessarily endorse recomendations presented in outside sources (especially linked videos below) but they serve as examples of handling practices that might be viewed on a field trip.
- Postharvest Losses (SAS)
- Using A.I. Resources at UF (AEC)
- Printable notes handout
- UF NaviGator - Need to be on the UF Network (incl. VPN)
- How to share transcripts from NaviGator 1
- How to share transcripts from NaviGator 2
- How to Cite ChatGPT
- Postharvest Physiology & Quality for Horticultural Crops (MAR)
- Harvest and Handling (MAR)
- Printable notes handout
- USDA Grade Standards
- Fl Department of Citrus Rules
- Postharvest Handling of Berries (video)
- Blueberries: Harvest, Storage & Handling (video)
- Blueberry Harvesting (video)
- Strawberry Harvest (video)
- Strawberry Packing (video)
- Watermelon Harvest (video)
- Watermelon Packing (video)
- Avocado Packing (video)
- How Oranges are Grown, Harvested and Shipped (California, video-2012)
- Processing Orange Harvest in FL (video)
- Breatfruit-Best Practices for Harvest & Postharvest (video)
- Carrot Harvest, Cleaning and Loading (video)
- Carrot Packingline (video)
- Tomato Harvesting (video)
- Sweet Corn Harvest (video)
- Squash (Yellow) Harvesting (video)
- Squash (Yellow) Packing (video)
- Temperature Management and Cooling Methods (SAS)
- Transportation (MAR)
- Printable notes handout
- Loading Refrigerated Products (video)
- How to Load Your Refrigerated Trailer (video)
- Port Everglade (homepage)
- Port Everglades - Video overview (video)
- Ocean Transportation: How Container Shipping Works for Food (video)
- How Container Shipping Works (video)
- Knowing the Reefer (video)
- Dole Banana & Pineapples Journey From Farm to Store (video)
- How Refrigerated Boxcars Revolutionized Food Transportation (video)
- Refrigerated Railcars & Their Role in History (video)
- How Air Freight Logistics Work (video)
- How Fresh Flowers are Transported by Air (video)
- Systems Analysis (SAS)
- Artificial Intellengence (AI) in Postharvest Operations (Z Boz)
- Sanitation and Food Safety (KR Schneider)
- Printable notes handout
- Paper - Survival of Salmonella in Floor Dust
- Water Sanitation using Chlorine
- Chlorine Use In Produce Packing Lines
- Basic Elements of Equipment Cleaning and Sanitizing in Food Processing and Handling Operations
- FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
- FSMA Final Produce Safety Rule
- FSMA Final Rule on Preventive Controls for Human Food
- FSMA Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP)
- The Food Recall Manual
- General Overview of the Causative Agents of Foodborne Illness
- Food Safety Begins on the Farm
- Fresh-Cut Products (JKB)
- Printable notes handout
- Where Do Baby Carrots Come From? (video)
- How Baby Carrots are Made (video)
- Processing Leafy Greens (video)
- Salad Processing - How is Mixed Salad Made (video)
- Leafy Vegetables Processing Line - Sormac (video)
- Processing Onions Into Value-added Products (video)
- Handling and Preparing Fresh-cut Onions (video)
- Postharvest Treatments (MAR) Quarantine Treatments
Archived Lectures & Resources from Previous Years
- Mechanization in PH Harvest & Handling (SAS)
- Printable notes handout
- Field Robot Demonstrations at FIRA 2022 (video)
- Harvest CROO System 2021 (video)
- AGROBOT E-Series Robotic (video)
- Pepper-Picking Robot (video)
- Mechanization and innovations for the sustainability of specialty crop vegetables in California (video)
- Robotic Farming of the Future (video)
- Modern Fruit Harvesting Machinery & Automatic Vegetable Procesing Lines (video)
- Mechanical Harvesting of the Florida Blueberry Crop (video)
- Fruit Harvesting Machines (video)
- Orange Fruit Mechanical Harvesting (video-2012)
- Citrus Mechanical Harvesting (video)
- Tomato Mechanical Harvesting (video)
- Tomato Mechanical Harvesting (video)
- Tomato Mechanical Harvesting for Processing (video)
- Potato Harvest (video)
- Sugar Beet Harvest (24 min episode)
- Mechanical Cherry Harvesting
- Minimizing Produce Injury During
Harvest & Handling (SAS)
- Managing Decay and Disorders
- Avoiding Ethylene in Harvested Lettuce
(article showing ethylen concentraions in the environment) - Postharvest Physiological Disorders (video)
- Chilling and Freezing (video)
- Chilling Injury (video)
- Produce Decay (time-laps video)
- Pre- and Post-Harvest Diseases in Citrus (video) - Dr. Jim Adaskaveg
- Postharvest Diseases of Citrus (video)
- Biological Control of Postharvest Decays of Fruits (video)
- Value-added (Processing, Juice, Frozen, Drying)