Module 4 - Broodstock Breeding and Hatchery
Some activities in this module are available in two forms. The left column lists the activity name, the right column links to the pdf form of the file, and some link to the EDIS version of the file. The pdf format is the original version published in 2009. This version has been edited extensively and is now available via the University of Florida Electronic Data Information System (EDIS). The EDIS version is the most complete and up-to-date version available. Activities without a link to the EDIS version will be available in this format soon.
1. Aqua-Pop-Culture Module on Domestication and Broodstock Development | |
2. Spawning and Larval Culture of Bivalves (Lecture) | |
3. Clam spawning and Larval Culture a. Clam spawning b. Clam larval culture | EDIS |
4. Dancing with Brine Shrimp | Dancing with Brine Shrimp EDIS |
1. Domestication (for activity 1 above) | Domestication and Aquaculture |
2. Artemia (for activity 4 above) | |
1. Artemia (SRAC) | Artemia SARC |
Actual size of a fish produced at the UF/IFAS Aquaculture Demonstration site.
1. Hard Clam Spawning Movie | Video |
2. Oyster Settlement Program Movie | Video |
AIE Video Highlights | AIE Video Highlights |
To download the video to your computer, right click on the Video link and click "Save link as.." or "Save Target as.." To watch the video, click on the Video link. It may take time to stream the entire video. If It doesn't work you need to download and install a free version of QuickTime Player. Note that you may need to click the yellow bar at the top of your browser window to permit the QuickTime download, depending on your security settings. |