Research: Citrus Nutritional Management
Research in the Wright Soil and Water Science Laboratory aims to develop citrus nutrition guidelines to provide best management practices for Indian River District citrus growers.
Dr. Wright directs research for citrus nutrition that involves therapeutic treatments to improve grapefruit and orange tree health, and to help trees more effectively combat citrus greening disease. Fertilizer recommendations for HLB-affected citrus are an ongoing pursuit.
Dr. Wright's research for the citrus undercover production system (CUPS) at the UF/IFAS Indian River Research and Education Center showcased a novel citrus management system, using screenhouse production systems to grow citrus in an Huanglongbing (HLB)-free environment.
The CUPS system has strong potential to assist growers with a means to grow high-value, uninfected trees. Knowledge gained from the CUPS is being utilized by several growers, as they construct their own systems.

exterior of the CUPS

interior of the CUPS